You don’t need a 4.0 GPA to be a success.
We believe in you!
What this scholorship does
This scholarships is aimed to significantly increase students’ access to transformative educational experiences across all socioeconomic backgrounds and promote diversity throughout the higher education system. The Lopez Foundation will provide need-based scholarships enabling students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to participate in higher educational opportunities. These scholarships will help students cover tuition and other essential costs of high education, including but not limited to books, clubs and activities, transportation, and support.
Who this scholorship is for
Applicants shall qualify for scholarships so long as they are currently enrolled in the senior class at Marysville High School, are graduating to continue education, and show an economic need for financial assistance.
Awarded students must show special academic promise, motivation, and strength of character; demonstrate love of learning, academic potential and performance; add to the class environment both academically and socially in high school; demonstrate affection for education; and embody admirable qualities which enrich school and campus life, and later, society at large